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The Sixth International Scientific Conference “Advances in Synthesis and Complexing”
21/06/2022 KV
Discover the World in One University
Research Institute of chemistry, Moscow, Russia
The Sixth International Scientific Conference “Advances in Synthesis and Complexing”, which is going to be held during September 26-30, 2022 in a hybrid format at the RUDN University. This Conference will be dedicated to the memory of Prof. V.M. Gryaznov on the 100th anniversary of his birth.
For more tracks in details, please refer to: http://conferencerudn.com/
Sections of the Conference
Organic Chemistry
Modern problems of organic chemistry. New methods in organic synthesis, synthesis and properties of heterocyclic compounds, multi-component and domino reactions, stereochemistry of organic compounds, chemistry of macrocyclic compounds, biologically active compounds, chemistry of natural products.
Physical and Colloidal Chemistry
The synthesis of new catalytic systems and sorbents and their properties, problems of heterogenic and homogenic catalysis. The physico-chemical methods of research and quantum-chemical calculations.
Inorganic and Coordination chemistry
Modern problems of inorganic chemistry. Complexing of metals with polyfunctional N,O,S-containing ligands, physico-chemical investigations of inorganic and coordination compounds and new materials, solidphase synthesis. X-RAY analysis.
Important Dates:
October, 1st 2021 Registration starts.
up to April, 1st 2022 Early bird registration
up to August, 20 2022 Standard registration and abstract submission.
For more tracks in details, please refer to: http://conferencerudn.com/
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