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mini-symposium Physical-chemical gas-dynamics
02/02/2016 KV
We cordially invite you to participate in the Fourth mini-symposium
“Physical-chemical gas-dynamics: Non-equilibrium processes modeling and simulation”
19-25 September 2016
in conjunction of ICNAAM 2016
Description of the non-equilibrium effects in reactive gas mixtures constitutes a grand challenge in physical-chemical gas-dynamics. Such processes are of great interest for the fields such as plasma physics, aerospace engineering, astrophysics, chemical engineering, etc. They require the development of sophisticated models and computational techniques to accurately simulate the diversity and complexity of non-equilibrium problems, and to effectively capture the wide range of relevant physical phenomena within these simulations.
This mini-symposium aims to provide a forum for specialists in reactive gas mixtures modeling and simulation, to identify and discuss, express and publish their expert views on current research, challenges in, and possible solutions for modeling of non-equilibrium processes, as well as developing the novel analytical and numerical methods for corresponding problems simulation, and address various issues in the areas of physical-chemical gas-dynamics. We hope that the mini-symposium eventually will contribute significantly to the knowledge in the field.
Specific topics include (but are not limited to):
• Modeling of non-equilibrium processes in reactive gas mixtures
• Kinetic and gas-dynamic approaches
• Generalized Boltzmann equation
• Boundary conditions and film growth simulation
• Modeling of nucleation/condensation/
• Quasi-chemical nucleation model
• Asymptotic methods for deriving gas-dynamic equations from kinetic
• Non-equilibrium and multiphysics
• Novel approaches to combine different models in one problem solution
• Challenging applications in industry and academia
• Advanced numerical methods for solving non-equilibrium effects in reactive gas mixture problems
We cordially invite you to submit papers presenting the results of original research in the area of modeling and simulation of non-equilibrium processes. According the requirements of the main Conferencehttp://icnaam.org/abstract.htm
The papers presented during ICNAAM will be published in world-renowned AIP (American Institute of Physics) Proceedings.
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