7-й Международный Симпозиум по «Неравновесным процессам, плазме, горению и атмосферным явлениям» (NEPCAP 2016)
18/02/2016 KV
7th International Symposium on Non-equilibrium Processes, Plasma,
Combustion and Atmospheric Phenomena (NEPCAP 2016)
October 2-7, 2016; Sochi, Russia
- Kinetics of elementary processes in plasma, combustion and atmosphere.
- Fundamentals of ignition and combustion of organic, metalized and synthetic fuels.
- Physical and chemical processes in low temperature complex plasma, including burning plasma.
- Physics of shock and detonation waves.
- Ignition, combustion and detonation in application to jet and internal combustion engines and energetic machines.
- Novel combustion concepts including plasma-assisted and laser-induced combustion.
- Physics and chemistry of high speed gas flows.
- Ignition and combustion of gaseous, liquid and solid fuels in high speed flows.
- Novel physical and chemical propulsion concepts.
- Physics of clusters and nanostructures.
- Combustion, laser and plasma generated aerosols and nanoparticles.
- Plasma, laser and combustion assisted technologies, fuel reforming, nanomaterials and surface treatment.
- Gaseous and particulate pollutant formation and pollution control.
- Impact of pollutant emission on the atmospheric processes and climate.
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